Home > Relief Artists > J. S. Niederöst

Joseph Sigmund Nideröst (1783–1854) [1]

Niederöst first worked as an engineer and then as an artillery captain in French service. He came from the Muota Valley and was probably an eyewitness to the Battle of the Muota Valley in 1799, which he then depicted in a relief model with countless tin figures.

[1] This article bases on Mair, Toni. Grieder, Susanne. Das Landschaftsrelief – Symbiose von Wissenschaft und Kunsthandwerk. Mit Schweizer Reliefkatalog. Verlag hier+jetzt. Baden, Schweiz. 2006. S.164.

See also: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Nideröst. 2010.